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Happily After All, by Willie Moore JR
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Nationally syndicated Gospel radio host and television personality Willie Moore Jr. and his wife Patricia use personal stories, wisdom, and humor to share keys on shaping healthy relationships for couples, and building foundations for strong families.
- Sales Rank: #26596 in Books
- Published on: 2016-12-08
- Original language: English
- Dimensions: 9.00" h x .61" w x 6.00" l,
- Binding: Paperback
- 270 pages
"This is reality on paper for couples everywhere." - Kim Fields & Chris Morgan (ACTRESS, PRODUCER) "Before you even think about putting a ring on it, Listen TO WILLIE!" - Cedric the Entertainer (KING OF COMEDY) "Willie Moore Jr. has pulled back the curtain on relationships for the single, married, young, and old." - Dr. Holly Carter, (EMMY AWARD TV PRODUCER)
-This is reality on paper for couples everywhere.- - Kim Fields & Chris Morgan (ACTRESS, PRODUCER) -Before you even think about putting a ring on it, Listen TO WILLIE!- - Cedric the Entertainer (KING OF COMEDY) -Willie Moore Jr. has pulled back the curtain on relationships for the single, married, young, and old.- - Dr. Holly Carter, (EMMY AWARD TV PRODUCER)
About the Author
Willie Moore Jr. is a husband, father, nationally syndicated radio host, television personality, business owner, highly sought after conference speaker, music publisher and author. Willie has taken social media by storm with his uniquely woven style of inspiring people to live their best life ever, Willie now has a following of over 1,000,000 people. � Willie is the son of Willie Moore Sr. and Flora Moore who adopted Willie at the tender age of 3 months. Willie has been quoted saying “After God, all that I am I owe it to Willie Moore Sr. and Flora Moore.” With a heart for adoption awareness Willie’s “WILFLO FOUNDATION” has raised awareness about adoption and foster care children around the globe. The goal of his foundation is to establish healthy homes for all children and to provide scholarships to fister children and adopted chilfren. � The Grammy recognized songwriter, has written and produced songs that have landed him deals with Warner Brothers, Universal Music Group, EMI Gospel and EOne. � The St. Louis native has used every gift that he has to maximize his influence and platform while giving all the Glory to God. Willie now resides in Atlanta with his wife Patricia Moore, three sons Khalil, Peyton and Princeton Moore.
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
which was a great present. I could not put it down once ...
By Amazon Customer
I received this book on my birthday, which was a great present. I could not put it down once I started reading it. I love how Willie and Patricia were so transparent. I really enjoyed their testimony. I met Willie at my church when he use to work as the Youth Pastor. What I love about him is that he is very friendly. When he speaks to you, he makes you feel like you are the only person in the room. He is very into people, and he truly cares about them. The youth at my church just love him.
I am proud of you Willie and Patricia. I know this book will sell millions and help people.
I know you have more books in you. And thank you for inspiring us all to believe in our dreams!!
God bless
Author Cheryl Richards
Genesis Ch. 24 vs. 1-67
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
This book is for YOU, It blessed me and my wife and now we want all our friends to get a copy.
By Ski and 1st Lady Chills
I really loved what this book is, this book affirmed and confirmed so many thing in my relationships, that I am doing right and wrong. This book is for everyone and I cant wait to help spread the Good News in this book. I have reached out to the Moore's and look forward to partnering with them to help save the image and institution of marriage. #Flatout
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By A. McDougald
Great read Truly enjoy
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